5 Signs Your Nervous System Needs A Rest

If you looked at the image above and thought, “Oh, that’s a familiar sight” I’m glad you’re here. Regardless of your response to that image, welcome! Let’s spend a few minutes today discussing some of the signs our nervous systems need a freaking break.

Firstly, what am I referring to when I use the term “nervous system”?

Our nervous system plays a crucial role in every aspect of our health. It communicates with all other body parts and reacts to changes inside and outside the body.

The nervous system features two different branches: the central and the peripheral nervous systems (”CNS” and “PNS”). Our brain and spinal cord make up the CNS, while the autonomic and somatic systems make up the PNS. Our peripheral nervous system detects any outside stimuli. The message is then relayed to the CNS through the spinal cord, where a response is determined by the brain. Once a decision is made, the CNS sends the response through the PNS, which performs the desired action. Essentially, the peripheral nervous system branches off the spinal cord and extends to all body parts.

Thanks for sticking with me through that. We made it. Now, you might be wondering, what does this have to do with me and my daily life? I am so glad you asked!

When we exercise, we fire up our circulation, which signals the body to activate our muscles and also charges up the nervous system. If we face chronic, unmanaged stress, we strain our nervous system, similar to our muscular system. Unlike overtraining our muscular system, which may only affect certain areas of the body, CNS overtraining will affect the whole body.

Here are 5 signs that your nervous system needs a rest and ways we can help recover from this.

1. Headaches

Are your headaches persistent? Are they sudden? How long do they last? Do you only experience headaches when there’s a change in the weather? If your headaches are sudden or changing, it may be a sign your nervous system requires a break.

2. Chronic Joint Inflammation

Are you experiencing frequent joint stiffness or tension (i.e., knees, hips, wrists, etc.)? Is it becoming harder for you to move and be physically active due to stiffness? Does this tension persist despite stretching or a regular mobility routine? If you answered “yes” to any of these, chances are you are overstressing your nervous system.

3. Shallow Breathing

Do you have difficulty breathing deeply? Do you notice yourself catching your breath more often than before? Are there any physical activities that trigger this response? Deep breathing is one of the body's strongest self-healing tools to rest our nervous system. Our energy flow is determined by the breathing techniques we implement. Your nervous system is likely taxed if your breathing is consistently fast and/or shallow.

4. Muscle Weakness / Chronic Muscle Tension

Does it feel that your muscles are getting weaker despite working out regularly? Have you experienced frequent injuries or chronic muscle tension lately? Are you feeling completely gassed before your workout even begins? Any of these could mean you (and your nervous system) are experiencing burnout and need to rest.

5. Overwhelming Anxiety

Are you experiencing heightened levels of anxiety? Have you recently experienced any physical or mental trauma? Do you feel more forgetful than usual? Have you been experiencing symptoms of IBS or other changes to your gut health? A rise in anxiousness is a prime indicator that we’re not managing our stress and overworking our nervous system. Anxiety can also affect the other systems of our bodies.

I Need A Rest; What Can I Do?

If you frequently experience the signs and symptoms described above, we strongly recommend you seek support from a medical professional, such as your family doctor, to rule out any other medical conditions.

The good news is that we can implement changes in our daily routine, which will help our nervous system over time. Some of these include:

1. Get Plenty of Sleep

I know you’re probably tired of hearing this (pun intended), but sleep works wonders for our nervous system. It is the only prescription we can fill every 24 hours, free of charge. Taking proper time to recharge your batteries plays such a vital role in maintaining proper mental, physical, and even spiritual health.

2. Knock Your Socks Off

In our modern-day lifestyle, we forget how much our bodies lack connection with the earth. Honestly, walking barefoot on the ground is probably one of the most human things we can do. Trust me, after you do this a couple of times, you’ll know how sublime it feels. Try walking barefoot for a few minutes each day and practice grounding. After just a couple of times, you’ll see how fresh and re-charged you feel.

3. Introduce Stretching And Mindfulness To Your Daily Routine

Stretching and meditation can have tremendous benefits for our nervous system. And you’re in luck, as I just created a New Relax & Unwind series to help you with that. Try it for 7-days free, with our monthly membership trial!

Now that you know the nervous system's basics AND are aware of some warning signs of a stressed system, try out MVMNT for yourself and start uplifting your life today!

In this series, you get 4 MVMNT Restorative Routines, 4 Snack-size versions of those routines, and Guided bedtime Meditations all to help you relax and unwind.


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